Tell the U.S. Senate: Pass the Agriculture Right to Repair Act

Broken farm equipment can threaten an entire harvest. That’s bad news for the farmer -- and for all the people who rely on their crops for food.

Yet repair restrictions on crucial farm equipment are forcing farmers to take machinery like tractors to a limited number of authorized repair shops, which can take weeks and cost a fortune. We can't let these restrictions hamstring our country's farmers.

Luckily, this problem has an easy fix: Give farmers the right to fair repair. Just recently, U.S. Sen. Jon Tester (Mont.) introduced the Agriculture Right to Repair Act -- one of our best chances yet to protect farmers from monopolies on repair. We all rely on our farmers, and it’s time we give them the help they need. That’s why I urge you to pass the Agriculture Right to Repair Act.

Subject: Protect our country’s farmers and pass the Agricultural Right to Repair Act